Sunday 20 December 2009

My Art Year

Well, it’s nearly over.
I was going to use this post to give a detailed run down off all the art I saw and took care of in my gallery job this year, but after 5 or so aborted attempts at that I’ve come to the conclusion that trying to write an art review up to 7 months after you saw something is nearly impossible, so perhaps something much more general would be a better idea?
Well, this year I’ve looked after 7 works by 3 artists, 2 of which I was lucky enough to be able to be involved in the making of, and 1 of those I featured in.
Not too bad then, after basically just passing time for the last few years I’ve more or less thrown myself in at the deep end with this stuff. My art knowledge has always been ok, but my involvement pretty much non existent, so to be suddenly be faced with a huge warehouse with a 6 ft deep red hole dug in the middle of it and then asked “what is it about?” by a series of people is a pretty steep learning curve.

Hopefully now as I go on I’ll get into the habit of writing down reviews of things, be they fine art, illustration or otherwise, as I go, and hopefully anyone reading this won’t be too bored by it.

to next year!

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